Early Neutral Evaluation is a process whereby an appointed evaluator provides an impartial view of the case to assess the strength of the parties’ evidence. The Neutral is asked to provide a balanced and unbiased evaluation of the dispute. The parties either submit written comments or meet in person with the expert. The expert identifies each side’s strengths and weaknesses and provides an evaluation of the likely outcome of a trial. This evaluation can assist the parties in assessing their case and may provide a basis for future settlement negotiations. This opinion is non-binding but provides an unbiased evaluation on relative positions and guidance as to the likely outcome.

Early Neutral Evaluation is a process whereby an appointed evaluator provides an impartial view of the case to assess the strength of the parties’ evidence. The Neutral is asked to provide a balanced and unbiased evaluation of the dispute. The parties either submit written comments or meet in person with the expert. The expert identifies each side’s strengths and weaknesses and provides an evaluation of the likely outcome of a trial. This evaluation can assist the parties in assessing their case and may provide a basis for future settlement negotiations. This opinion is non-binding but provides an unbiased evaluation on relative positions and guidance as to the likely outcome.